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Developer Information
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
Developer: Krome Studios
Publisher: LucasArts
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Action
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Wii, DS, PSP
Total Files: 11
Total Downloads: 34,779

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes lets Star Wars fans young and old live out the sweeping galactic adventures of the Clone Wars...

Latest Files
Added: 2009-10-14 | Downloads: 3,630

Added: 2009-10-10 | Downloads: 3,094

Added: 2009-10-07 | Downloads: 3,588

Added: 2009-10-07 | Downloads: 2,968

Added: 2009-10-07 | Downloads: 3,022

Added: 2009-07-29 | Downloads: 3,062

Added: 2009-06-19 | Downloads: 3,024

Added: 2009-06-19 | Downloads: 3,268

Added: 2009-06-19 | Downloads: 2,989

Added: 2009-06-19 | Downloads: 3,149

Added: 2009-06-19 | Downloads: 2,985

Fan Gaming
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