
EA Games
EA Games
Official Website:
Genre: Racing
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Gamecube, Wii, DS, Gameboy Advance, PSP
Total Files: 13
Total Downloads: 75,480
Need for Speed Carbon Meet The Crew Trailer
Added: 2006-10-17 Downloads: 4,579

The whole crew is behind you and here to get you through the race. So be sure to ask for their help, because you'll need it.

Added: 2006-11-28 | Downloads: 4,803
Added: 2006-11-06 | Downloads: 4,675
Added: 2006-11-02 | Downloads: 4,519
Added: 2006-10-20 | Downloads: 5,062
Added: 2006-10-19 | Downloads: 4,997
Added: 2006-10-17 | Downloads: 4,579
Added: 2006-10-13 | Downloads: 4,916
Added: 2006-10-12 | Downloads: 4,853
Added: 2006-06-22 | Downloads: 6,092
Added: 2006-11-20 | Size: 14.48 Mb | Downloads: 6,479

Added: 2006-11-20 | Size: 14.52 Mb | Downloads: 4,917

Added: 2006-11-20 | Size: 14.54 Mb | Downloads: 4,999

Added: 2006-10-27 | Size: 650.49 Mb | Downloads: 14,589

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Downloads: 97,915
Downloads: 35,794
Downloads: 4,167
Downloads: 4,299
Downloads: 3,395