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Developer Information
Developer: Level 11 Games
Publisher: Level 11 Games
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Action
Platforms: PC
Total Files: 1
Total Downloads: 3,129

Goliath is a team-based vehicle action game. The player takes on the role of one of 16 human or AI controlled vehicles known as the Road Warriors defending a world under siege from an enormous and seemingly indestructible tank known as the Goliath. The player has a choice between multiple vehicle types, ranging from agile dune buggies to heavily armoured trucks, and multiple weapons.

While the long-term objective of the Road Warriors is to destroy the Goliath, the player will have to manage a number of objectives such as rebuilding factories (to produce the different types of vehicles available to the player) and protecting other buildings and vehicles in the game.

Goliath is playable single-player or with up to 16 players in multiplayer. The multiplayer mode is co-op and is identical to single player mode. Players may join a multiplayer game already in progress and replace one of the existing AI controlled Road Warriors, ensuring 16 Road Warriors are present in the game at all times.

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Added: 2007-03-30 | Downloads: 3,129

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