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Developer Information
CellFactor: Revolution
Developer: Immersion Games, Artificial Studios, Timeline Interactive
Publisher: N/A
Official Website: Visit
Genre: First-Person, Shooter
Platforms: PC
Total Files: 3
Total Downloads: 13,912

CellFactor: Revolution combines widespread environmental destruction, psychic combat, realistic cloth and fluid effects to produce an intense and innovative first-person shooter. Players will take one of three unique characters, BlackOps, Bishop and Guardian, through industrial settings in the near future on Earth. After a series of cataclysmic events, the planet is now dominated by a superpower dedicated only to the advancement of technology – no matter what the human cost. This technology forms the basis of a cybernetically-enhanced humanoid army, whose telekinetic powers are used to maintain relative order across the planet. A scattered human resistance fights for one last shred of freedom, tapping into psychic abilities in an attempt to conquer what appears to be an invincible enemy. Gamers can play as characters from either side of this war.


  • Multiplayer First Person Shooter combines gunplay with psychic powers.
  • A new standard of multiplayer interactivity: thousands of physical, breakable objects to use as makeshift weapons!
  • Power-up your character in order to fly, block bullets, pick up enemy players push massive waves of objects, lift huge objects, and more!
  • Vehicles include a 3-man armored car and a 2-man VTOL jet.
  • Gravity Grenades, Oil Canisters, Proximity Mines, and Plutonium Containers create additional combat tactics.
  • Support for 8-player Deathmatch or Physical Capture the Flag, optional Dedicated Server
  • Offline play with AI Bots using Kynogon's Kynapse.
  • PhysX hardware effects include physical fluid such as blood & oil, tearable cloths, and acceleration of the massive amount of rigid bodies.
  • High-end graphics engine uses effects as normal mapping, specular reflection, and High Dynamic Range rendering.

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