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Developer Information
Age of Pirates: Captain Blood
Developer: Sea Dog
Publisher: 1C
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Action
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360
Total Files: 2
Total Downloads: 8,558

Age of Pirates: Captain Blood is an action game based on the novels by Rafael Sabatini about the notorious Captain Blood. Players take the role of a brave and noble corsair, following his intriguing and amazing adventures in 1685 Spanish Main. The game’s mission-based structure allows players a diverse battlefield on both land and sea, with ship-to-ship battles and swashbuckling sword fights to gain control of boarded ships.

Players can experience directly controlled naval battles manually firing ship cannons from the foredeck, or navigating their course in third-person view while cannons aim automatically and fire only when commanded. Wind strength, direction, weather conditions, ship parameters and cannon fire range must all be weighed to achieve victory.

Land missions place players in the character of Age of Pirates: Captain Blood, fighting multiple enemies while gamers parry, thrust and sidestep through different combinations against enemy pirates and soldiers. Gamers gain special points as they fight through ghastly sea dogs, acquiring new fighting techniques and gold for weapons and equipment.

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Added: 2008-08-20 | Downloads: 4,512

Added: 2008-04-16 | Downloads: 4,046

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