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Developer Information
Darkest of Days
Developer: 8Monkey Labs
Publisher: Phantom EFX
Official Website: Visit
Genre: First-Person, Shooter
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360
Total Files: 16
Total Downloads: 65,165

In Darkest of Days, the action begins with the player being ripped from his period in time by a mysterious organization moments before his grisly death.  In order to ensure the future of mankind, he is then tasked with the mission to travel back and forth through time – to famous, turning-point battle campaigns in world history – acting as the organization’s agent in a larger, seemingly otherworldly, battle between good and evil.  

Using a combination of both futuristic and historical weapons, players will be immersed in a world where in one instant they will be fighting against the Huns in World War I and the next find themselves battling at Antietam in the U.S. Civil War. A variety of combat missions, such as stealth, artillery assaults, and sniper attacks will keep players on their toes through dozens of levels spread out over five historical time periods – all while discovering the secrets of the mysterious organization for which they have been working. Fighting on one side of the action, then sometimes coming back to fix mistakes on the opposing side gives the player a chance to experience conflicts from both sides.

In Darkest of Days, you take on the role of Alexander Morris, an unlucky foot soldier who gets transferred to General Custer’s regiment days before the Battle of Little Bighorn. Moments before his inevitable demise, a futuristic time agent warps in to save Morris and transports him to the future where he is told that time travel is now a reality. However, an unknown faction is attempting to re-write history for their own benefit. Your job is to stop them, and you’ll fight your way through eras spanning thousands of years to do it. 

Key features of Darkest of Days include: 

  • Brand New Engine: The dedicated team at 8monkey Labs has created an all-new, groundbreaking game engine known as Marmoset. The Marmoset Engine not only breaks from the all-too present Unreal engine FPS clones flooding the market, but also allows for some amazing graphical capabilities. You’ll fight through epic battles filled with literally hundreds of NPCs on the screen at the same time, all with an advanced AI and all without a hint of graphical slowdown and all set against wide-open environments that are lushly detailed and dynamically lighted.
  • Compelling Storyline: Darkest of Days is a compelling, action-packed first-person shooter to be sure, but it’s not just mindless run-and-gun, blow ‘em up gameplay. You’ll have to not only think about how to approach certain key battles and situations, but you’ll also have to take care when fighting – certain key people that were never meant to die will be marked with a special blue aura. If you kill them, you’ll face dire consequences…
  • Wreak Havoc with Future Weapons in Antiquity: Something nearly every gamer that’s ever played a shooter based in the past has always wanted is the ability to bring a futuristic weapon back through history and kick some major butt. How differently would Custer’s last stand have turned out if the General was equipped with an M-16 assault rifle? You’ll be able to answer questions like this in Darkest of Days. While not every battle and situation will allow you to wield weapons from the future, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to unleash futuristic fury on your unsuspecting foes.

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