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Developer Information
Indiana Jones
Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Action
Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Total Files: 1
Total Downloads: 4,518

Indiana Jones' first expedition on the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 will feature the revolutionary euphoria behavioral-simulation engine from NaturalMotion Ltd., creators of the award-winning Dynamic Motion Synthesis (DMS) technology.

For the first time ever, euphoria enables interactive characters -- from Indiana Jones himself to the foes he pulverizes -- to move, act and even think like actual human beings without the limitations of traditional animation. Characters move and adapt realistically to their given situations on the fly, resulting in a series of experiences and payoffs that will never be the same twice. As one of only two publishers with early access to the technology, LucasArts is well advanced in integrating euphoria into Indiana Jones' 2007 next-generation adventure.

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Added: 2006-06-29 | Downloads: 4,518

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