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Developer Information
Championship Manager 2010
Developer: Beautiful Game Studios
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Sports
Platforms: PC
Total Files: 1
Total Downloads: 3,638

Championship Manager 2010 features a bespoke 3D match engine with over 500 individual player animations, a Set-piece creator giving users the chance to create their own unique free kicks and corners, Scouting Networks allowing users to set-up local networks in countries around the world and grow local player knowledge and Practice matches helping users select their perfect team or trial new players. The game also features real player data and information for the 2009/10 football season in a completely new gameplay innovation called CM Season Live, an additional monthly update that lets players download the real-world 09/10 football season data, at that point in time, and then take charge of their chosen club.

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Added: 2009-08-14 | Size: 720 Mb | Downloads: 3,638

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