Midway |
No profile is available for Midway. If you represent Midway and would like to add your profile, fill out the form on our contact page. We will let you know where to send a company profile, contact information, logo, etc. to update your company profile. |
Platform(s): PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Genre(s): First-Person, Shooter |
Platform(s): PC, Playstation 2, Xbox
Genre(s): Action, Adventure |
Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy |
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Genre(s): Action, Shooter |
Continue the story of John Woo's influential action film, Hard Boiled starring Chow Yun-Fat. Experience a world only previously seen in movies as you control incredible gun battles and dramatic slow motion in Tequila Time™. Carve a unique path of massive destruction and use the environment as a weapon against enemies. |
Platform(s): PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Genre(s): Action |
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Genre(s): Action, Adventure |
When a powerful businessman begins turning Vegas into a family-friendly tourist trap, you must start your own powerful empire and resurrect the famous adult playground... |
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Genre(s): First-Person |
Unreal Tournament 3 marks the return of the industry's premiere first-person shooter utilizing the completely new Unreal Engine 3 technology taking the graphics, playability and challenge to a new level. |
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