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Developer Information
Epic Games
Official Website: Visit
Total Related Games: 3
Total Related Downloads: 356,979
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Epic Games Related Games
Publisher: Microsoft Games
Developer: Epic Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
Total Downloads: 151,488
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360
Genre(s): Shooter, Third-Person
As Marcus Fenix, you fight a war against the immense Locust Horde, which not only out powers but outnumbers you, your squad, and the entire force of the Coalition of Ordered Governments.
Publisher: Microsoft Games
Developer: Epic Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
Total Downloads: 9,812
Platform(s): Xbox 360
Genre(s): Action, Shooter, Third-Person
Gears of War 3
Publisher: Midway
Developer: Epic Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
Total Downloads: 195,679
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Genre(s): First-Person
Unreal Tournament 3 marks the return of the industry's premiere first-person shooter utilizing the completely new Unreal Engine 3 technology taking the graphics, playability and challenge to a new level.
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